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- ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ Matsushita Electric Corporation of America (MECA) ║
- ║ Consumer Access Numbers ║
- ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ ║
- ║ Consumer Product General Information......................201-348-9090 ║
- ║ Telephone Product Help Line...............................800-922-0028 ║
- ║ Consumer Accessory Order Line.............................800-332-5368 ║
- ║ Consumer Products Parts/Servicer Referral.................800-545-2672 ║
- ║ Consumer Fax Help Line....................................800-435-7329 ║
- ║ Printer/Computer Help Line................................800-222-0584 ║
- ║ Industrial Fax (PANAFAX) Help Line........................800-225-5329 ║
- ║ PCSC Industrial Products Customer Care....................800-854-4536 ║
- ║ Office Automation Group Dealer Referral...................800-742-8086 ║
- ║ Industrial Cellular Phone Accessory Order Line............800-382-3709 ║
- ║ Laptop Computer Service Referral..........................800-457-7291 ║
- ║ Peripheral Computer Products Line.........................800-457-7291 ║
- ║ Check Printing Accountant Product Line....................800-272-7033 ║
- ║ Industrial Video Products Line............................800-524-1448 ║
- ║ Office Automation Group Accessory Order Line..............800-346-4768 ║
- ║ Industrial Audio, Video, Fax, & Cellular Phone ║
- ║ Servicer Referral.........................................800-526-6610 ║
- ║ Industrial Fax Servicer Referral..........................800-874-4322 ║
- ║ Jetwriter/Typewriter Servicer Referral....................800-544-5008 ║
- ║ Industrial Cellular Phone Dealer Referral.................800-441-7262 ║
- ║ Digital Business Systems Dealer Referral..................800-435-4327 ║
- ║ Laptop Computer Help Line.................................800-527-8675 ║
- ║ Industrial Video Dealer Referral..........................800-524-0864 ║
- ║ PanaTech BBS..............................................201-863-7845 ║
- ║ PanaTech LapTop BBS.......................................201-348-7560 ║
- ║ Panasonic Data Collection Computers (Data Partner)........708-468-4905 ║
- ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ End of List. │
- │ Listing Updated: August 10, 1995 │
- │ Downloaded from the PanaTech BBS (201) 863-7845 8-N-1 │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘